東北野生黃牛肝菌 / Porcini Mushroom (100gr)


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野生黃牛肝菌生採自於大興安嶺原始森林,或砍伐不久的林緣地帶,是一種是世界上名貴的野生食用菌, 至今無法人工培植。富含16種氨基酸,11種礦物元素,包括大量鉀、鈣、硒等微量元素、蛋白質、胡蘿蔔素及多種維生素等營養成份非常豐富。還含有多糖、黃酮、多酚、甾體及萜類化合物、酚類化合物等多種生物活性成分,可以提高淋巴細胞的活性,提高免疫力。黃牛肝菌入藥,具有清熱解煩、養血和中、追風散寒、舒筋和血、補虛提神等功效,是中成藥「舒筋丸」的原料之一;可治婦女白帶症及不孕症。而且對治療腰腿疼痛、手足麻木等症狀都有很好的預防調理作用。它富含維他命A、B什可治療風濕並可以有效預防視力衰退。

Wild growth Porcini is harvested from the forests of Daxing'an Mountains. It is rich in 16 kinds of amino acids, 11 kinds of mineral elements, including a large amount of potassium, calcium, selenium and other trace elements, protein, carotene and various vitamins and other nutrients are very rich. It also contains a variety of biologically active ingredients such as polysaccharides, flavonoids, polyphenols, steroids, terpenoids, and phenolic compounds, which can improve the activity of lymphocytes and improve immunity. It is rich in vitamins A and B, which can treat rheumatism and can effectively prevent vision loss.