羊肚菌為馬鞍菌科羊肚菌屬珍稀的食、藥兩用真菌,早已被收錄在李時珍的《本草綱目》書中。羊肚菌是一種很珍貴的天然補品,含豐富的蛋白質、多種維生素及20多種氨基酸,味道鮮美,營養豐富。它與冬蟲夏草功能相同,是一種不含任何激素,無任何副作用的天然滋補品。人體中的蛋白質是由20種胺基酸搭配而組成的,而羊肚菌就含有18種,其中8種胺基酸是人體不能製造的,但在人體營養上顯得格外重要,所以被稱之為「必需胺基酸」。另外,據測定羊肚菌至少含有8種維生素:維生素B1、維生素B2、維生素B12、煙酸、泛酸、吡噦醇、生物素、葉酸等。羊肚菌的營養成份,可與牛乳、肉和魚粉相當。因此,國際上常稱它為「健康食品」之一 。
Morel mushroom is a rare edible and medicinal fungus, which has long been included in Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica". Morel is a very precious natural supplement, rich in protein, multivitamins and more than 20 kinds of amino acids, delicious and nutritious. It has the same function as Cordyceps Sinensis and is a natural tonic without any hormones and without any side effects. The protein in the human body is composed of 20 kinds of amino acids, of which 8 kinds of amino acids cannot be produced by the human body, but they are particularly important in human nutrition, so they are called "essential amino acids". In addition, it is determined it contains at least 8 kinds of vitamins: vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridyl alcohol, biotin, folic acid, etc. The nutritional content of Morel is comparable to that of milk, meat and fish meal. Therefore, it is often referred to as one of the "healthy foods" internationally.