榛蘑主要分佈在長白山淺山區的榛柴崗上。被人們稱為“山珍”、“東北第四寶”。滑嫩爽口、味道鮮美、營養豐富,被一些發達國家列為一類食品。榛蘑本身有一種天然的香氣,具有開胃的功效,豐富的纖維素, 具有降低膽固醇的作用,避免了肉類中飽和脂肪酸對身體的危害,能夠有效地防止心腦血管疾病的發生。榛蘑含有豐富的蛋白質、氨基酸、維生素及鉀、鈣、鎂、鐵、鋅等礦物質元素,味道鮮美、滑嫩爽口經常食用野生榛蘑,可以防止皮膚乾燥,並可抵抗某些呼吸道及消化道感染疾病,榛蘑的功效還不限於此,它對預防視力減退、夜盲也很有效果,如果你是經常坐在電腦前工作的人,建議你多吃點榛蘑,對眼睛視力保護很有幫助。
Hazel Mushrooms are mainly grow on the shallow mountainous area of the Changbai Mountains. It is known as "Mountain Treasures" and "The Fourth Treasure of Northeast China". It is smooth and refreshing, delicious and nutritious, and is classified as a kind of superfood by some developed countries. Hazel Mushroom itself has a natural aroma, has an appetizing effect, is rich in cellulose, has the effect of lowering cholesterol, avoids the harm of saturated fatty acids in meat to the body, and can effectively prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Hazel Mushrooms are rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and other mineral elements, delicious, smooth and refreshing. Regular consumption of Wild Hazel Mushrooms can prevent dry skin and resist certain respiratory and digestive infectious diseases. The effect of Hazel Mushroom is not limited to this, it is also very effective in preventing vision loss and night blindness. If you are a person who often sits in front of the computer and works, it is recommended that you eat more Hazel Mushroom, which is very good for eyesight protection.