博多地雞 3-2-1組合 (Hakata Jidori 3-2-1 Combo Offer)

HK$825.00 HK$1,040.00

Available Now!



"Hakata Jidori Chicken" was created by Fukuei Kumiai, an agricultural cooperative in Fukuoka Prefecture. It only represent 1% of entire Japan produce.
The distinctive features of free-range and truly free hormones as local pedigree chicken include its unique chewiness, flavor that increases with each bite, and the highest quality of the meat that gives it a good, crisp bite.
Hakata Jidori Chicken is taken from a crossbred of Shamo Chicken and Plymouth Rock Chicken, free range raised for more than 80 days.
Hakata Jidori 3-2-1 Combo Offer at HK$825 (Save HK$215) detail is below:
- Whole Small Chicken / 博多小雛 原隻 (350 - 500gr) - HK $155 x3pcs
- Chicken Wing 2 Joint / 博多地雞二節雞翼 (1KG) HK $155 x2kg
- Chicken Leg Meat / 博多地雞 腿肉 (1KG) HK $265 x1kg
產自福岡縣的「博多地雞」需在血統、飼養環境、養殖時間等方面符合日本農林規格(JAS)所定立的標準,才得以冠上「地雞」名銜。「博多地雞」只佔全國產量的1% ,屬優質雞肉,不含激素,是矜貴食材雞肉,味道濃郁,擁有「濃」和「鮮」味特徵的高級雞肉 , 絕對是健康之選。